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ashley πŸ’— My Name: ashley πŸ’— f Gender: f 50 My Age: 50 Bogota D.C., Colombia From: Bogota D.C., Colombia

I have a couple of things in mind that I would like to do to you when I see you again, do you want me to give you a preview...? #dirty #blonde #nasty #bigass #atm Chat Room Info:
I have a couple of things in mind that I would like to do to you when I see you again, do you want me to give you a preview...? #dirty #blonde #nasty #bigass #atm
I Can Speak in: espaΓ±ol
My Birthday is: 1974-09-17
Fans Watching My Room: 1
My Followers: 490
Time Elapsed Online (sec): 5805